Hi-Fi Rush Game Review: A Sonic Adventure

Hi-Fi Rush is the delightfully fun hybrid of a hack ’n slash action game and music-based rhythm outing from Tango Gameworks. The recently shadow-dropped title has been receiving huge acclaim from the community.

The game has options for adding a beat visualizer to the screen that makes hitting prompts easier on those with rhythm challenges. There are also several ways to speed up the process by combining certain actions.

1. Know Your Enemies

Hi-Fi Rush is an action game where hitting the attack buttons in time with the beat of the music adds to your damage output. It also opens up new abilities like combo extenders and flashy finishers to give you an edge in battle.

This rhythmic approach to combat is something the game does a lot of work to reinforce. Enemies move and attack on the beat, the player character walks to the beat, and the player can choose to turn on options that let them see a visual representation of the beat of the music at all times during combat.

The game even offers a meter that shows how well you hit the beat in combat. Using this will show you when to press the attack button to get the best results.

2. Stay on the Beat

Hi-Fi Rush’s pumping rock soundtrack is just one element that makes this game stand out among its contemporaries. It also has clever environmental cues and a Rhythm Tower challenge mode that’s sure to test players’ skills.

Keeping the beat is crucial for any rhythm-based action game, and Hi-Fi Rush does its best to make that easier than most. The environment, billboards, signs, and Chai’s robot cat companion 808 all sync and pulse to the music, while the options menu includes a visual metronome that plants a pulsating bar on the screen marking every beat of the song.

Additionally, the style meter is only depleted when you miss a beat, which gives players a little extra time to pull off their combos and hit that sweet spot of Just Timing. Getting on the beat also comes with rewards, such as extra enemies appearing, and certain flashy finishing moves getting extended with a slight bonus if hit precisely on the beat.

3. Avoid Dodging

Hi-Fi Rush Game lays out a lot of visual cues to help you fight on the beat. Chai naturally moves to the music, enemies and environments bop to the beat, and attacking is almost entirely based on timing with the beat (except for aerial raves).

In fact, Hi-Fi Rush offers a visualizer you can plant on the screen that plants a pulsing bar at the bottom of the screen to mark every beat. Using this helps you nail that sweet Just Timing for an even better score.

It’s also worth noting that Hi-Fi Rush has NPC allies you can call in during combat encounters to assist with damage and other tasks. Taking the time to do this can make a huge difference in your fighting ability, especially at later levels when enemies begin sporting shields and other gimmicks you can neutralize by calling in an NPC partner.

4. Don’t Get Stuck in a Lag

Hi-Fi Rush wants you to be carried along on the beat of its music, not slowed down by a frustrating trap or enemy arena. It even lets you change settings on the fly, modifying difficulty or visuals without losing any progress.

The combat feels utterly electrifying, with every swing, dodge, parry, and combo perfectly in sync with the soundtrack and enemies. This is one of the most well-designed rhythm games to date.

It can be hard to keep up with the pace, however, especially early on. Take the time to look around, especially upwards, for hidden passageways and rooms containing extra gears or upgrade materials. Also, be sure to use the grappling arm whenever possible as it can close the distance between you and airborne enemies.

5. Look Around

Hi-Fi Rush does more than just let you beat up enemies on the beat, it also has NPC allies that can hop into battle to provide assists. These allies can help you earn more style points, boost damage, and much more. However, there is a small cooldown before you can call in an ally for the next battle.

The game can be configured to have a rhythm visualizer that displays on-screen, helping players stay on the beat. Additionally, it has an auto-action mode that lets you press one button and perform the optimal attack for each battle. It also has a Single Key Rhythm Game mode that reduces button presses for those unable to hold multiple buttons at once.

Hi-Fi Rush is a fun and challenging action game that combines the best of Devil May Cry hack ‘n’ slash with Baby Driver-style rhythm action. It can be difficult to get the hang of, but it is more than worth the effort.